Wednesday, February 22, 2017

CHRISAK One Party- 1.chapter

Warning: The story won't exactly follow the show but I'll do my best.

Focus - season 1&2&3 Season One "Hey Isak, the Penetrators are hosting a party. Eva said everybody's welcome to join. What do you say, should we give it a go?" Jonas exclaimed as he entered my room. I was in the middle of playing Counter Strike, luckily without headphones. "Dunno," I replied. "We'd be the only first-years there, wouldn't that be weird?" Jonas sat down on my bed and started throwing-and-subsequently-catching his bouncing ball. He always does that when he comes over to my place.
I wasn't really in the mood for the party. Sure, there'll be a bunch of hot girls there, but I'm not as into them as Jonas. I mean, I love girls, of course, I just wasn't keen on that at that very moment. "Eva and her squad will be there," he said. "Probably some first-year girls, too. Don't be such a Grinch and say yes." He then hit me with that ball of his. Asshole. I turned the game off and faced him, frowning. He always uses the "don't be such a Grinch" thing when someone's ruining the fun. "Listen, Jonas, I'm really not in the mood." I stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab us some water. My mom was sitting there, completely still - she didn't even seem to notice my presence. I shrugged it off. Something has been up with her these last few days. She won't talk to me at all. I was hoping to get some explanation from dad once he gets back from work. Once I reentered the room, Jonas looked at me with pleading expression. "Come on Isak, do me a favor this one time. I can't go there on my own, you're my best mate." He couldn't just drop it, could he? "Ugh, okay. But I won't carry you home this time." Later - once Jonas is way too drunk to remember anything of that night "Hey, have you seen Jonas? First-year, dark hair, big eyes, crazy eyebrows?," I repeated the same question to at least five girls. That dumbass disappeared on me half an hour ago and I've been looking for him everywhere. The worst thing was, no one seemed to remember him or even know him. "Sorry, no idea who's Jonas, but try asking William and Chris. They might know," she said with a smile. Finally, a clue. "Thanks, do you know where they are?" "Chris is sitting over there," she pointed at a guy sitting on a couch. He was surrounded by at least three girls and obviously enjoying himself. "Can't see William though." "Nevermind, thanks a lot," I smiled at her, walking to that Chris guy. I was sure he'd tell me to go fuck myself or ignore me completely. One hundred percent. He seemed to be that type and even if he wasn't, why on Earth would he spend time talking to some first-year when he's got all those girls hanging on him? "Um, Chris?" I tried to get his attention. The girls were looking at me as if I suddenly grew a second head, but Chris just grinned. "Yup, that's my name." He laughed at his own joke. "Sorry for distracting you but I'm looking for my friend. He's really drunk and I don't want him causing any problems. Have you maybe seen him? Dark hair, big eyes, funny eyebrows. His name is Jonas," I stuttered. There was something about him that made me feel nervous. "I think I saw him," he said, standing up from the couch. "No idea where though. I'll help you find him." My eyebrows lifted in shock. "What? It'll be easier if both of us look for him." He must have noticed my confused expression. "We don't want this Jonas causing some problems, do we?" I just nodded and followed him. I hope you like it! Please comment below what do you think about it and we still looking for some friends who can help us with this page !!!

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