Wednesday, March 1, 2017

CHRISAK One Party -5.Chapter

Warning: The story won't exactly follow the show but I'll do my best.

Focus - season 1&2&3

There was at least five of them, standing right in front of me. Why did I have to forget my bike today?! They were just standing there, watching me. I knew they were there for me because all of their eyes were locked on me. I thought about walking past them - it wasn't far from school, anyone standing on the pitch could see us, it was too risky for them, to beat my up in front of everyone. Why did they even wanna do that?
But I was too näive. As soon as I was walking past them, one of them grasped my arm firmly and started dragging me towards some alley.

"Let go off me!" I screamed, but somehow it didn't seem to work. As soon as we were in the alleay where no one could see us, he let go off me and hit me in the face so hard than I the force of it turned my head to the side. My hand was immediately on my cheek. The pain was indiscribable, but it was nothing in comparison to what I felt when his fist contacted with my stomach. I crouched down immediately which gave him another opportunity to hit me. His knee jerked upwards and hit my nose, probably breaking it.

"Enough," one of them said and walked up to me. He raised my head and smirked. He was darked than the others but his eyes were light blue, the color almost glowing on his face.

"All of Chris' boyfriends end up like this," he said and shoved me onto the ground. I leant against the wall and watched him. I had a need to talk back.

"I'm not his boyfriend," I said. The guy was walking back to his group but when I said that, he turned around.

"We were watching you. One of us was at that party a few weeks ago, dear Isak. You were together for far too long for it to just be a friendly encounter." He was grinning again.

"He was helping me, I was looking for my friend! I don't even properly know him! I don't know him and he means nothing to me," I lied. It was all lies.

"Oh, so he was helping you? You want me to believe that?! Chris would never help ANYONE without there being something in it for him. Chris is just a self-loving idiot. He cares about no one but himslef and for that, he'll pay. This evening is his last - he won't live long enough to enjoy the morning." My heart skipped a beat. I felt a sharp pain and I was so, so scared, I couldn't control what I was saying.

"No!" I shouted, which surprised me, too. "You're the one who's not gonna live tomorrow! You're not gonna touch Chris!"

I don't know what it was - probably adrenaline - but I launched myself at the guy and hit his face. I managed two hit before the rest of them started beating me. I couldn't defend myself, there were punches coming from all directions. I fell to the ground and they were kicking me, but not for long. It all took maybe two seconds before the Penetrator guys interrupted it.

"Let him be, motherfuckers!"

I was lying on the ground, unable to move, watching as Chris, William and the others started fighting the Yakuza guys - there was way more of them, to their advantage. Chris looked so fucking hot when he was fighting. I felt crazy to think that but the pain was making me dizzy. My whole body hurt, there was blood pouring from my nose and mouth, and I was curled up in a ball, holding onto me stomach which was throbbing with pain.

I could feel myself falling unconscious and the last thing I heard was Chris saying "Get out of here." And then someone lifting me off the ground, into their arms. That's when I blacked out.

Later, Isak waking up in a room he doesn't recognize

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. It made my heart jump with fear because I thought I'd died and this was hell. But after a few seconds, my eyes started getting used to it and I noticed I was in an unfamiliar room. I wanted to find a lamp but as soon as I reached out my arm, the sudden pain made me hiss so loudly that I woke someone up. That someone was Chris. He jumped to me and pressed me back down so that I was lying again.

"Stay," he muttered and turned the light on. I closed my eyes shut because it was too bright.

"Where am I?" I asked and started opening them again. Once my eyes focused on Chris, I noticed he had a black eye and a broken nose. I sat up immediately, wanting to check on him, but the movement sent another wave of pain into my whole body.

"Argh!" I screamed, falling back onto the bed.

"Stay down, please!" he said, his leg pressing onto my leg.

"You're hurt," I mumbled and made another attempt to get up, slowly this time. But Chris didn't let me. He held me down so that i coudln't move but he pushed a pillow behind my back so that I was somewhat sitting. The whole time I kept quiet, watching him. Watching his lips. I had a huge urge to kiss him.

"Chris, you're hurt. Because of me." Suddenly, the guilt seemed to be too much. If it weren't for me, nothing would have happened.

"Are you serious?!" Chris looked at me pointedly. "They beat the shit out of you because of me and you started hitting them like a fool. Why the fuck did you do that?! We were already walking up to them, watching you from afar because it seemed quite calm. But then you launched yourself at Alexander because he was talking shit. You're crazy, Isak. They could have killed you. Because of me."

There was pain in his eyes. I knew that pain, it was the same kind that was in mothers eyes whenever she looked at my dad.

"They threatened to kill you," I said, dropping my head.

"And you believed them and almost got yourself killed." He sat closer to me and cupped my cheek carefully. "I thought they were gonna kill you. That I'd lose you."

My eyes shot up. For a while, we were just staring at each other, but then Chris started leaning in. I could feel his breath when he pressed his forehead against mine and stayed like that.

But I pushed him away.

"Stop it," I said firmly, my voice breaking.

"Stop what?" he asked as if he didn't get it.

"Stop acting like you care about me. I hate you, Chris! So just drive me home or to the hospital or wherever the fuck else, but I'm not gonna stay here for another minute..." He cut me off with a kiss. I stayed still, frozen, but just like last time, Chris took over. He was like a drug, as soon as I got a taste, I couldn't think straight. The kiss was sweet, gentle, deep. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had. His hand was on my hip while the other was on my back, holding me so that it wouldn't hurt. My hands were locked behind his neck and there were tears streaming down my face.

"It's not an act, Isak," he said, breaking our kiss, but his forhead was still pressed against mine and both of us left our eyes closed. "I kept trying not to think about it, about you. I was doing mostly fine if I coudln't see you. But when I spotted you there, lying on the ground, unmoving, I felt... It was like nothing I've ever felt before. It was like I had lost a piece of myself, it was awful. I never want to feel like that again." In that moment, his eyes met mine.

But I didn't beieve him, not anymore. He was lying. Chris didn't care about anybody, just like that guy said. Chris couldn't feel something like this towards someone like me. I wasn't sure he could feel it at all.

"STOP FUCKING LYING TO ME!" I screamed. "You don't feel anything like that, Chris! You just want my attention so that you can feel smug! And even if you did feel it, I don't care! I'm not interested in you, I'm not even gay! I don't care about you. You're nothing. I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!" It was a mess of screaming and crying. Chris was silent. All he did was hug me. I tried pushing him away, screaming some more and beating him so that he'd let go off me but he was way stronger than me. So I gave up. He hugged me and I cried in his arms and the only soud in the room was my sobbing.

After a while, when I'd camled down a bit, Chris pulled us both down so that we were lying. My head appeared on his chest and even if it didn't seem like the most cofmortable position for my injuries, I felt more than good. Chris's fingers were playing with my hair and my mind was racing.

Could it be true? Could he have been worried about me? After the way he acted? It all seemed so fucking unlikely. Chris was always sleeping around, every single girl had a crush on him. It was highly unlikely that after all those girls he's been with, Chris would have feelings for me. But the pain in his eyes was real. He was worried about me. But fear and feelings are different things, right? He was scared because they were beating me up because of him, not because he loved me or whatever. But maybe... maybe he liked me. We were both confused about what was happening. What if he's been going through something similar as me? If I let myself believe him, there was one question I needed to ask.

"So, what now?"

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